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Frequently Asked Questions

  • 什麼是鹽燈?它有什麼作用?
    ONELIVINGS鹽燈所選用的岩鹽是百分百經人手從喜馬拉雅山脈地下深處鹽礦開採的。這些岩鹽是出自於二億五千萬年前的古生代海洋,被太陽蒸乾水份後,經過無數次的地殼變動與擠壓,吸收了天地靈氣,從中產生出約80多種有益人體的礦物質。 我們精選優質的鹽石,經人手製作成鹽燈,能散發出的溫暖柔和的光波。經歐美各國實驗指出橘紅的暖色系光譜能安定心神、舒緩壓力、提升睡眠質素。 除此之外,自古以來鹽有著驅邪避煞的作用,因此也有風水學者將鹽燈運用的風水學上,達到驅邪納福、招財聚寶的功效。 請點擊以下連結了解更多:
  • 哪種顏色的鹽燈較好?
    ONELIVINGS所選用的岩鹽是百分百從喜馬拉雅山脈開採的。岩鹽顏色越深,代表鐵礦物質越多,因此我們安排專員特意挑選深色的岩鹽。另外,大多數人發現鹽燈中的鹽晶顏色越深,就越有鎮靜效果,所以特別適合在室內使用以達到安神舒壓的效果。 請點擊連結了解不同顏色的鹽燈特性:
  • 我應該多久開一次鹽燈?
  • 我應如何保養鹽燈?
    鹽能吸引濕氣,所以請不要將鹽燈洗滌或放置在潮濕/戶外地方。平日只需以乾布拂去表面的微塵,可以保持鹽燈良好的透光度,若是有塵垢等無法用乾布清除時,請用微濕的布去除表面塵垢即可,勿將鹽燈以水清洗或浸泡於水中。鹽燈是天然的結晶體,所以表面不會非常平整,建議使用不勾毛的布擦拭,平均半個月至一個月擦拭一次。請將鹽燈保持開啟以保持乾爽。 請點擊連結了解更多:
  • 如果我無法長時間開啟鹽燈該怎樣做?
  • 鹽燈適合在擺放在甚麼地方?
    ONELIVINGS鹽燈適合在室內大部份地方使用,如客廳、卧室、辦公室等。您也可以在任何時候使用,歐美很多用家會在休息、看書、靜坐冥想、瑜珈、按摩時開啟鹽燈。您可以根據地方大小及人數選擇ONELIVINGS不同尺寸的鹽燈。除了自用外,鹽燈作為新居喬遷、新婚、升遷、節慶及紀念等禮物也是非常合適的。 我該選擇多大的喜馬拉雅鹽燈呢?可以點擊以下連結了解更多
  • 家中小孩或寵物舔鹽燈上的鹽有問題嗎?
  • 長期開啟鹽燈會很耗電嗎?電費昂貴嗎?
    在香港,長期開啟一個15W的鹽燈最貴每月電費約9.1港元。 計算公式如下: 1. 用電度數= 瓦數*小時*天數/1000 ONELIVINGS現有鹽燈款式用的是15W的鎢絲燈泡,假設無間斷開啟鹽燈,每月用電度數為: = 15*24*30/1000 度電 = 10.8 度電 2. 每月電費 = 度數*每度電的價格 在香港,港燈住宅每度電0.675港元;中電則為0.843港元,取大者 = 0.843港元*10.8 = 9.1港元
  • ONELIVINGS鹽燈耐用嗎?如何更換燈泡和電線?
    為保障用戶安全及減少對環境的污染,ONELIVINGS選用的燈頭、 電線、 調光開關及插座均有CE及RoHS認証。此外,我們的鹽燈采用嶄新無螺絲易拆設計,在減少使用環境資源的同時,用戶可以不需要任何工具也能輕鬆便捷地進行維修。 如欲購買燈泡,歡迎蒞臨我們的網上商店選購: ONELIVINGS提供一年硬件(電源)保養,如需維修/保養支援,歡迎致電本公司客戶服務中心查詢。 客戶服務中心熱線:(852) 2387 9637
  • 鹽燈保養條款
    1. 思緯國際有限公司所有商品享有一年免費檢查及維修服務,保養期由銷售發票日期開始計算。有效銷售發票必須由指定零售商發出或網上訂單截圖。 2. ONELIVINGS生活逸念喜馬拉雅鹽燈燈組配件享有一年免費檢查及維修服務(非人為損壞),鹽石及燈座並不在保養範圍內。 3. 香港本地客人需要自行把需要檢查及維修的燈組送到指定維修地點,或可像海外客人一樣由我們安排順豐快遞上門收件,運費需由客人承擔。如因人為損壞(包括因沒有持續開啟鹽燈而導致鹽石潮解後鹽水腐蝕燈組配件)以鹽燈無法正常運作,經檢查後確定為無法維修,我們將會提供維修價更換。 4.如果本條款與細則如中文版與英文版內容出現任何不一致之處 , 則以英文版本爲凖。思緯國際有限公司保留解釋及修訂所列服務之條款及細則之權利。
  • What is a salt lamp? What does it do?
    Each of ONELIVINGS Himalayan Salt Lamp is hand-excavated from the underground salt mine situated at the Himalayan Range. The salt mine is believed to be formed almost 250 million years ago when tectonic plate movement formed a mountain range that trapped a shallow inland sea, which was slowly dehydrated and buried deep in the earth, forming sea salt deposits with 80+ different minerals. The Himalayan Salt Lamp emits wide range of different low temperature warm and soothing colour hues, which is proved by research institution in Europe and USA to help promote calmness, relieve stress and improve sleeping quality. Many people suggest that Salt Lamp is a natural air purifier. With the hygroscopic nature of salt, as well as the heat generated by the tungsten lightbulb inside the Salt Lamp which promote air circulation, the air pollutants would be attached on the salt. In this way the air is then purified and respiratory problems such as Asthma, Sinusitis and Allergies could be alleviated. Many cultures believe that salt absorbs psychic negative energy and binds it into its own crystal structure. For this reason, many homes would use salt for protection.
  • Which colour of Salt Lamp is better?
    All of the salt rock ONELIVINGS selected are 100% hand-excavated from the Himalayan Range. The darker salt rocker, the more the iron mineral is present. Most people find that the darker the colour of Salt Lamp the more the calming effect, and thus especially suitable to be placed in bedrooms to relieve stress and improve sleeping quality.
  • How often should I switch on the salt lamp?
    One of the intrinsic property of salt that it is hygroscopic in nature. As a result, the salt will cry if there is enough moisture in the air. We recommend you always switch on your Salt Lamp so the heat produced by the light bulb will dry the salt and the clean water vapour will be evaporised back to the air.
  • What Maintenance Does a Himalayan Salt Lamp Need?
    Stay away from water - Do not put the Salt Lamp in humid/ outdoor places. Cleaning - We recommend you to use a clean dry cloth to wip the surface of the salt lamp once/ twich a month. If you cannot remove the dirt with dry cloth, you can use a slightly wet cloth followed by a dry cloth. Never use water or detergent to clean the salt as the salt will melt. Always switch on the Salt Lamp to keep it dry.
  • What if I need to leave the salt lamp off for an extended period of time?
    Himalayan salt in general absorbs moisture from the air, when they are turned off they can ‘cry’ if the weather is quite humid or if you live close to the beach. To prevent having a sad lamp when it is turned off, place a plastic bag over it and tuck under base of lamp to stop the moisture from getting to it. If you are going away for long periods of time (e.g. travelling overseas) then for extra measures you can carefully pull the cord (with bulb) out from the bottom of the lamp to prevent moisture getting on to the cord and bulb, and store in a dry place.
  • What are the best places to put my Salt Lamp?
    ONELIVINGS Himalayan Salt Lamp is suitable for most of the indoor places, like living room, bedroom, office. You can use switch it on anytime. Most of the families in Europe and US use them during rest, reading, meditation, yoga and massage time. We offer different sizes of salt lamp and you can choose according to the size of your area and number of people there. The Salt Lamp is also a perfect gift for housewarming, newlyweds, promotion, birthday and anniversary.
  • My children/ pets lick my Salt Lamp. Will it be harmful?
    As the salt rock on the Salt Lamp is non-food grade. Please prevent your children/ pet from licking. Never use the salt for consumption or cooking.
  • Is the electricity bill expensive if I switch on the Salt Lamp continuously?
    In Hong Kong, electricity bill for switching on a 15W Salt Lamp continuously would be around HK$9.1. Calculation is as follows: 1. No. of electricity units used = Watts * No. of hours per month * No. of days per month/1000 The existing model of ONELIVINGS Himalayan Salt Lamp is installed with a 15W lightbulb, assuming switching on 24/7, the electricity units used per month is: = 15*24*30/1000 (electricity units) = 10.8 (electricity units) 2. Electricity bill per month = No. of electricity units * Electricity rate In Hong Kong, the residental tariff of HK Electric is HK$0.675, while that of CLP is HK$0.843 (we choose the more expensive one) = HK$0.843*10.8 = HK$9.1
  • Is ONELIVINGS Himalayan Salt Lamp safe? Can I replace lightbulb/ electrical cord?
    To ensure product safety and reduce environmental pollution, the electrical cords and dimmer switch we use in ONELIVINGS Himalayan Salt Lamp are of CE and RoHS standard. Besides, the eco-friendly screwless design enables you to replace lightbulb/ electrical cord without using any tools. If you want to purchase lightbulbs, please visit our shop: Our product is under one-year hardware warranty. Please call our service hotline for repair/ maintenance. Service Centre Hotline: (852) 2387 9637
  • 什麼是超聲波清洗?
    超聲波清洗是使用液體為傳導超聲波的介質來進行清潔,即使是最微小的物品也能令其閃亮如初。 超聲波清洗最早期是應用在工業上的。時至今天,超聲波已廣泛地在生活上使用,特別是在健康和環境保護的範疇上,並正持續快速地發展。
  • ONELIVINGS超聲波洗淨器的清洗原理是?
    ONELIVINGS超聲波洗淨器內的超聲波模組以電力產生高頻振動,在水中形成無數微小氣泡。這些小氣泡不斷快速膨脹及爆破,產生能量波沖擊物體表面,使污垢分裂成小顆粒狀及脫落,最後形成"煙霧” 升起,從而達到清潔效果。
  • 如何充分利用ONELIVINGS超聲波洗淨器?
  • 我需要在ONELIIVINGS超聲波洗淨器中添加哪些液體?
    在超聲波清洗中,使用純凈水或蒸餾水與普通自來水的清洗效果相同,因此使用普通自來水即可。 當銀器及銅器的表面被氧化而發暗時,需在水中加入少量的去氧化層專用清洗液,方可達到同時清洗污垢及去除氧化層的效果。
  • 我該如何保養ONELIIVINGS超聲波洗淨器?
    - 在使用本產品前,請詳細閱讀使用說明書及當中的警告語。請按使用手冊正確使用產品,操作時請遵照本產品說明進行操作,切勿擅自使用配件。 - 嚴禁在沒有注水的情況下啟動本產品,"乾燒" 會導致產品損壞。 - 請在清洗槽加水後才插上電源,水量不應超過最大水位線 (MAX-),避免水溢出。 - 請勿長時間 (最長20分鐘) 啟動本產品。 - 請勿讓清洗液長時間停留在清洗槽內 - 清洗結束後,關掉“電源開關”,打開機器的蓋子並取出清洗物品。拔掉插頭,倒出清洗槽裏的水,並將其擦乾。 - 禁止用水直接沖洗產品。使用機器後,建議用柔軟潔凈的乾布抹乾清洗槽內外殘留的水漬。 - 若在使用過程中,產品掉入水中,請不要觸摸產品,應立即切斷電源。 - 禁止用濕手插/拔電源,以防觸電。 - 禁止在睡覺或打瞌睡時使用本產品。 - 產品應遠離熱源,切勿暴曬。同時應放置於陰涼、乾燥、平坦的桌面上及通風處。 - 請勿使用電源線或插頭已損壞的產品。請勿自行拆裝產品。若產品不能正常工作,請致電本公司客戶服務中心進行檢修。 客戶服務中心熱線:(852) 2387 9637
  • 如何使用ONELIIVINGS超聲波洗淨器進行清潔?
    普通清洗(僅使用普通的自來水): 將物品放在清洗籃中再一同放入清洗槽(或直接將物品放入清洗槽),注水至水面浸過物品但不超過最大水位線(MAX-),按“Time”鍵選擇適當的清洗時段,再按“On/Off”開機清洗。 加強清洗: 與普通清洗的方法相同,注水至水面浸過物品但不超過最大水位線(MAX-),按“Time”鍵選擇適當的清洗時段後,加入少許清潔液(如10-20毫升洗潔精或其他清潔液),丙按“On/Off”開機清洗。
  • 哪些地方適合使用ONELIVINGS超聲波洗淨器?
    - 珠寶店:用於客戶增加服務。首飾如項鏈、鑽戒、耳環等只需使用普通自來水,經超聲波清洗後,能回復閃亮如新。 - 眼鏡店:用於客戶增值服務。只需普通自來水,在超聲波清潔下,可去除附著在眼鏡框與鏡片接合縫隙的污垢,讓眼鏡得到更專業的清潔與護理。 - 鐘錶維修店:清洗精密零件—因鐘錶零件較小,可用不銹鋼 / 玻璃器皿盛裝,將被清洗的零件浸泡在維修用的機油內,將整個器皿放入槽內,然後在清洗槽內加水,超聲波會穿過器皿清洗其小孔及縫隙間的污垢。 - 手機 / 電子產品維修店:PCB板恢復功能—電子產品因被水浸泡或操控鍵失靈需要維修時,可用無水酒精作清洗液,將PCB板直接放入清洗,可洗去滲入的污垢,從而恢復使用功能。 - 噴繪 / 打印店:疏通堵塞的噴嘴—噴繪機及噴墨打印機,常因停機後噴嘴堵塞而無法使用,而更換噴嘴或墨盒的成本很高。在水中加少量的丙酮類溶劑,通常只需1~2分鐘即可使噴嘴 /墨盒堵塞的小孔通暢,恢復使用。勿使丙酮類溶劑直接接觸ABS外殼,可用穿透式清洗的方法避免腐蝕。 - 兒童 / 嬰兒用品:因用品的小孔及縫隙內的污垢難以擦洗乾凈,易滋生細菌或霉菌。只有用超聲波清除附著在小孔及縫隙內的污垢後,再消毒處理,才是真正清潔。 - 首飾 / 水晶:經超聲波清洗後,閃亮如新。 - 眼鏡 / 錶鏈 / 剃鬚刀等日用品:清洗藏匿在鏡架縫隙 / 錶鏈間隙 / 刀片及網格的污垢,方便快捷。
  • 哪些物品適合使用ONELIVINGS超聲波洗淨器清潔?
    - 珠寶類:金、銀及其他金屬類珠寶,如項鏈、戒指、耳環、手鐲等 - 眼鏡類:眼鏡、太陽鏡等 - 手錶類:錶帶及防水手錶等 - 盥洗室用品類:電動牙刷、電動剃須刀頭、剃須刀、假牙、梳子等 - 辦公用品類:打印機頭、鋼筆、橡皮圖章等 - 金屬物品類:銀器、軸承、齒輪、閥門、噴嘴、小型金屬零件、硬幣、金屬徽章等 注意:長時間清洗可能會導致某些物品鬆脫,如眼鏡架上的螺絲。
  • 哪些物品不宜使用ONELIVINGS超聲波洗淨器清潔?
    - 珠寶類:玳瑁、珍珠、綠寶石、象牙、珊瑚、瑪瑙等 由於玳瑁、珊瑚等硬度不高,在清洗時有可能會出現因相互摩擦導致劃痕。 - 金屬類:焊接金屬、電鍍金屬、金屬粘合物等 用超聲波清洗,可能會使焊接點、電鍍層及粘結物品原有的縫隙加大,而出現剝落現象。 - 手錶類:手錶、懷錶等(50米以上的防水錶除外) 超聲波的滲透性強,偶爾會使防水性不強的手錶有水滲入。(可使用錶架來清洗) - 其它:木制品、玻璃、隱形眼鏡、陶瓷制品、相機濾色鏡等 鍍膜的玻璃鏡片、陶瓷、木製品、玻璃制品在清洗中,原有的細微裂紋偶爾會因清洗而使裂紋擴大。(完好的則不會出現)
  • 為什麼在清洗手錶時需要使用手錶支架?
    因超聲波的滲透性強, 請不要將手錶(50米以上的防水手錶除外)直接放入水中清洗,以免造成滲水損壞手錶。按圖示將手錶放在錶架上, 再一同放入清洗槽中清洗(使水面低於錶盤)。
  • 為什麼在使用ONELIVINGS超聲波洗淨器清潔時需要使用清洗籃子?
    當清洗小物件或邊緣尖銳的物件時, 請先將物件放在清洗籃子內, 然後一同放入清洗槽中,這樣可以減少物件與清洗槽因摩擦而產生劃痕。 注意: 因清洗籃會吸收約30%~40%的超聲波,所以清洗效果會減弱。
  • 使用ONELIVINGS超聲波洗淨器清潔需要多長時間?
    請根據物件的數量、大小及骯髒程度決定清洗時間。ONELIVINGS 超聲波洗淨器 S300設有 “Time”鍵自由選擇清洗時間段。當繼續按“Time”鍵時,數碼顯示屏能循環顯示清洗時間段以供選擇。選擇了適當的清洗時間後,按“On/Off”開始清洗。數碼顯示屏上的時間數字倒計時,顯示本次剩餘的清洗時間。 而ONELIVINGS 超聲波洗淨器 D3000獨有的一鍵按鈕操作預設180秒超聲波清潔。如需加強清潔,可於完成首輪後重按操作鍵再次啟動清潔。
  • 何時需要更換清洗槽內的清水/清潔液?
    您不用在每個清洗時段後更換清洗槽內的溶液,建議可以根據溶液的骯髒程度及清潔效果進行更換。 儘管如此,請勿讓清洗液長時間停留在清洗槽內。
  • What is ultrasonic cleaning?
    The ultrasonic cleaning method uses a solvent and ultrasound to clean and give a shine even to the tiniest items. Water is the only medium used in ultrasonic cleaning that helps conduct the ultrasonic waves. Hence, the effect will be the same whether distilled water, ordinary water, or pure water and some alcohol are used. Thus, the ultrasonic wave will only need to be cleaned using ordinary tap water. The ultrasound used in the cleaning was initially used in industrial technology. After a while, the ultrasound wave was converted for civilian use, which makes it reflect better the characteristics necessary for health as well as environmental protection. The Ultrasound cleaning is now being used in the cleaning small household appliances. This development has become the new working principle which has over the years continued to rapidly grow.
  • How does the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300 work?
    When the electrical generator found within the ultrasonic unit gives out a high-frequency signal, then the transducer(s) connected to the tank produces compression waves into the liquid, which is referred to as cavitation. Cavitation is the fast creation, and destruction of small vacuum bubbles also known as "cavities" into the liquid. "How then do these clean anything?" you could be wondering. Well, the cleaning process is quite interesting. The tiny microscopic bubbles produced, when they come into contact with any solid surface, will collapse. As they collapse, then the surrounding liquid will fire into that area where the tiny bubble once occupied. This then creates a deep "scrubbing" action while the cleaning solution moves against the item being cleaned. Think of the process as millions of microscopic pressure washers that are blasting the item from every angle at once!
  • How do I get the most out of the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    In order to get the best results from your ultrasonic cleaner, you will need to ensure that the item being cleaned is submerged fully in the appropriate cleaning fluid. It should not be touching the sides of the tank so as to allow for maximum cavitation.
  • What solutions do I need to add in the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    The type of cleaning solutions you can add to your ultrasonic cleaner will include distilled water, purified water or even regular tap water. This is because each of these liquids ill have the same cleaning effect. Thus the use of tap water will work just fine. However, when cleaning copper or silver items where oxidation has caused the items to become darker, a special solution has to be added to the cleaning water to help remove the oxidation.
  • How should I maintain the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    - Avoid turning on the unit without water in the tank When the unit is turned on for more than 30 seconds without putting water in the tank, it can cause damage to the ultrasonic cleaner or greatly reduce the life of your unit. - Avoid running the unit for a long time or continuously Do not run your ultrasonic cleaner for more than 20 minutes. Ensure you take 10 minutes breaks in between cleaning sessions to help extend the life of your unit. - Avoid keeping water in the unit’s cleaning tank for long periods of time Once you have finished your cleaning session, be sure to unplug the power cable of your unit then pour out the used water through the pouring recess. Also, avoid getting water into the unit's housing the vents as it can cause damage to your unit. - Avoid spraying water over the unit’s housing Always use a towel to dry the housing and the tank. - Avoid keeping the unit in direct sunshine for a long time. Keep your unit in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area for drying.
  • How should I clean my items using Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    Regular Cleaning "Tap water" - Place the objects to be cleaned in the basket and then put the basket in the tank ( or place the objects directly inside the tank).Add water into the cleaning tank to the level marked between “MIN” and “MAX” but covering the item to be cleaned. Select the desired cleaning time by pressing the Time button.Press “On/Off’” to begin the cleaning cycle.Important: While cleaning, dirt comes out like smoke and the water turn murky with time. Once the “smoke” stops appearing, it means the cleaning is complete. Enhanced Cleaning "Solution" - A cleaning solution is added to enhance cleaning. Generally, dish detergents may be used for this process.The ratio for mixing the solution is 1 part of the solution to 10 parts of water. Once done, run the item only in plain water for an additional 90 seconds to rinse off any remaining cleaning solution.
  • Where could I use the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300 ?
    Jewelry Stores Jewelry stores could use the ultrasonic cleaner to grow their services. Jewelry like rings, diamond rings, earrings, and necklaces may be cleaned using tap water to help recover their shine. Optical Stores Optical stores could use the ultrasonic cleaner to offer valuable services. Use the ultrasonic cleaner and some tap water to help remove debris on lenses, hidden in rims as well as nose pads. This way the eyewear will get professional care and cleaning. Watch Services Shop Precision parts cleaning: Place small parts in a beaker made of glass or stainless steel filled with lubricant oil, after put the beaker in the cleaning tank and thereafter add water. The ultrasonic waves will get into the beaker and work on the items to get them clean. Electronic Service And Mobile Phone Shops PCB renewal: electronics that are non-operational after they have fallen in water or even non-operational keypads may be cleaned using the ultrasonic cleaner and pure alcohol to help recover their function. Printing Shops May be used for unblocking dried ink cartridges or printer heads: Inkjet printers and large printers will often have dried ink cartridges ports and printer heads. It can be rather costly to replace them with new ones. Thus adding a special cleaning solution or acetone and then using the ultrasonic cleaner will help regain their function. With a couple of minutes cleaning in the solution will get rid of all the blockage making them usable again. Important: Do not let acetone come in contact with the unit’s plastic housing to help avoid corrosion. Use the indirect cleaning method and a metal or glass container when working with acetone. Homes: Baby and Children items Any debris left in crevices and small holes can be tough to clean through regular means. Mold and bacteria could grow in these areas. Using ultrasonic cleaners will help remove the debris and it may be combined with some disinfectant to achieve thorough cleaning. Watch Bands, Eyewear, Razors, Shavers And Other Household Items: The ultrasonic cleaners may be used to remove dirt between the lenses and the rims on eyewear, on the metal mesh of shaver and between razor blades to help keep the blades clean and sharp.
  • What items can I clean using the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    - Jewelry Such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, earrings, etc - Eyeglasses These are sunglasses, Eyeglasses, etc - Precision Parts Such as watch parts and gears, precision bearings, etc - Inkjet Cartridges, PCB Such as the ink cartridges, PCBs from MP4 and mobile phones, etc - Baby And Children Items, Cosmetic Products These include baby items, toys, cosmetic products, etc - Personal Items Such as braces, shaver heads, dentures, watch bands, diver’s watches, etc <h4 class="font_4"> </h4>
  • What items are not suitable for cleaning with the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    - Soft Jewelry These include items that are not hard, meaning they will easily scratch during cleaning. These are things like ivory, pearls, emerald, agate, sea turtle shells, coral, etc - Plated, Welded and Glued Items These are items that are plated, welded or glued. Thus ultrasonic cleaning might increase the gaps in the glued items, welded joints and plated coating and could cause separation. - Watches Due to the powerful penetration capability of the ultrasonic waves, it is possible for water to get inside the watches if they truly are not waterproof. Therefore, use the watch stand provided as a precaution when you are not sure. This is with the exception of diver’s watches with a depth rating of over 150 ft (50 m). - Others This will include things like ceramic, camera filters, wood, coated glass with pre-existing cracks. Ultrasonic cleaning might increase the size of cracks that existed prior to the cleaning on the ceramic, glass and coating on the glass. When the items do not have any preexisting cracks, it is then okay to clean it.
  • Why should I use the watch stand?
    While cleaning watches always use a watch stand to help keep the watch-body above water as you clean the wristband. Note: When cleaning diver’s water with a depth of less than 150ft(50 m) water can get into the watch when the watch body is immersed in the cleaning water while using the ultrasonic cleaner.
  • Why do I need to avoid directly submerging my watch into the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    The working principle when cleaning an object using the ultrasonic waves is similar to brushing the item’s surface from each angle. As you clean the razor, as the ultrasonic wave penetration force is rather strong, any non-waterproof area will not be immersed directly in the cleaning water. Doing so can easily cause it to break. It is thus an issue of operation. Additionally, cleaning the object using the ultrasonic waves will make it cleaner as compared to washing it directly using water. Then again the process will have less harm to the object than using a brush.
  • Can the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300 be used to wash baby’s milk bottles?
    Realize that ultrasound has only an effect of cleaning and not disinfection. While cleansing the nipple for babies, it mainly is for the purpose of cleaning the clustered milk stains as well as stains deposited on the nipple. Once you are done cleaning it, you will need to disinfect it. Disinfecting directly without cleaning the nipple is pointless, and bacteria can still breed. This also applies to medical equipment for dental use. These will also need to first be cleaned on the surface to remove the blood stains using the ultrasonic waves, and thereafter disinfect it.
  • Why I have to use a basket in the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    By putting objects directly into the tank can cause them to get in contact with the transducers found at the bottom of your ultrasonic unit. This can disrupt the generation of ultrasonic waves and when the object being cleaned is heavy, it can actually cause damage to your electronics. Therefore, it is advisable that you place the items in rust-free steel baskets to help decrease scratches on the items as well as rust due to friction. Important: Plastic baskets will absorb around 30 per cent to 40 per cent of the ultrasonic energy produced thus reducing the effectiveness of the cleaning.
  • How long does the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300 generally takes for a session?
    The cleaning period can and will vary. This is depending on several things like the cleaning solution, soil, temperature and even the level of cleanliness that you desire. For the highly noticeable removal of soils, the session needs to begin almost immediately once the ultrasonic cleaning activity begins. The cleaning time modification is the easiest (yet not so often applied) element used to make up for the process variables. Even though new application cycles periods may be approximated by experienced operators. It normally has to be validated by the actual use of the solution you choose as well as the actual soiled areas to be cleaned. When cleaning watches, it can take about 5 minutes to clean them while eyeglasses may need 1.5 minutes.
  • When should I change the cleaning solutions?
    The cleaning solutions need to be replenished as soon as there is a noticeable decrease in its cleaning action come about. Alternatively, when the cleaning solution appears dirty or spent then a change is necessary. For each cleaning session, a fresh batch of solutions is normally not needed.
  • Do I need to acquire the highest frequency Ultrasonic Cleaner in the market?
    The cleaning frequency of ultrasonic waves is not that high as needed. Various objects are cleaned using varying frequencies for different situations. The general ultrasonic frequency for normal industrial usage is 24 kHz. While that of household usage is 42 kHz. Thus the higher the cleaning frequency, then the cleaning speed will be slower, the fineness will be higher as well. However, when the frequency is lower, the cleaning speed will be faster and the fineness will be lower. Many of our home appliances need a frequency of about 42 kHz and a particular circuit of about 46 kHz. As for the big machines used in laboratories and shops need a 37 kHz frequency ( that is between 24 to 42 kHz). This is so as to balance its detergency and speed. Thus its fineness and speed are balanced.
  • Any other Dos and Don’ts for using the Ultrasonic Cleaner S300?
    Ensure you read all instructions prior to using the ultrasonic cleaner. In order to decrease the risk of injury, when the cleaner is used near children, close supervision will be needed. Avoid using the appliance outdoors. Ensure to only use attachments suggested or bought from the manufacturer. When disconnecting, turn all controls to off (O) position, thereafter unplug the appliance from the outlet. Avoid unplugging by pulling on the cord. To do this, grasp the plug and not the cord. Also, unplug from the outlet when the unit is not in use and prior to cleaning or servicing. In order to decrease the risk of electric shock, avoid putting the ultrasonic cleaner in water or any other liquid. Also, avoid placing or storing the appliance where it could get pulled or fall into a sink or tub. Any servicing of the appliance, this includes the replacement of the transducer, should be done only by qualified servicing personnel. Do not use any appliance that has a damaged plug or cord, or immediately after the unit is dropped, damaged or it malfunctions in any way. Be sure to return the ultrasonic cleaner to the authorized service facility near you for repair, examination or mechanical and electrical adjustments. Avoid operating the ultrasonic cleaner without filling water into the tank. By running the appliance dry can only serve to damage the appliance. Avoid plugging in the power cable prior to putting water into the tank. Also, avoid filling tank past the Max line to help prevent overspill. Avoid the use of any solution that contains abrasive substance and any strongly corrosive chemical solutions that are not suggested by the supplier or manufacturer. Before operating the device, be sure to place in a flat and dry surface. If the appliance is put under strong electromagnetic hindrance, it could stop operating, malfunction, or even lose the control functions. When this happens, be sure to unplug the power cable and then re-insert it so as to restart the ultrasonic cleaner.
  • What is ultrasonic cleaning?
    The ultrasonic cleaning method uses a solvent and ultrasound to clean and give a shine even to the tiniest items. Water is the only medium used in ultrasonic cleaning that helps conduct the ultrasonic waves. Hence, the effect will be the same whether distilled water, ordinary water, or pure water and some alcohol are used. Thus, the ultrasonic wave will only need to be cleaned using ordinary tap water. The ultrasound used in the cleaning was initially used in industrial technology. After a while, the ultrasound wave was converted for civilian use, which makes it reflect better the characteristics necessary for health as well as environmental protection. The Ultrasound cleaning is now being used in the cleaning small household appliances. This development has become the new working principle which has over the years continued to rapidly grow.
  • How does the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000 work?
    When the electrical generator found within the ultrasonic unit gives out a high-frequency signal, then the transducer(s) connected to the tank produces compression waves into the liquid, which is referred to as cavitation. Cavitation is the fast creation, and destruction of small vacuum bubbles also known as "cavities" into the liquid. "How then do these clean anything?" you could be wondering. Well, the cleaning process is quite interesting. The tiny microscopic bubbles produced, when they come into contact with any solid surface, will collapse. As they collapse, then the surrounding liquid will fire into that area where the tiny bubble once occupied. This then creates a deep "scrubbing" action while the cleaning solution moves against the item being cleaned. Think of the process as millions of microscopic pressure washers that are blasting the item from every angle at once!
  • How do I get the most out of the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    In order to get the best results from your ultrasonic cleaner, you will need to ensure that the item being cleaned is submerged fully in the appropriate cleaning fluid. It should not be touching the sides of the tank so as to allow for maximum cavitation.
  • What solutions do I need to add in the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    The type of cleaning solutions you can add to your ultrasonic cleaner will include distilled water, purified water or even regular tap water. This is because each of these liquids ill have the same cleaning effect. Thus the use of tap water will work just fine. However, when cleaning copper or silver items where oxidation has caused the items to become darker, a special solution has to be added to the cleaning water to help remove the oxidation.
  • How should I maintain the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    - Avoid turning on the unit without water in the tank When the unit is turned on for more than 30 seconds without putting water in the tank, it can cause damage to the ultrasonic cleaner or greatly reduce the life of your unit. - Avoid running the unit for a long time or continuously Do not run your ultrasonic cleaner for more than 20 minutes. Ensure you take 10 minutes breaks in between cleaning sessions to help extend the life of your unit. - Avoid keeping water in the unit’s cleaning tank for long periods of time Once you have finished your cleaning session, be sure to unplug the power cable of your unit then pour out the used water through the pouring recess. Also, avoid getting water into the unit's housing the vents as it can cause damage to your unit. - Avoid spraying water over the unit’s housing Always use a towel to dry the housing and the tank. - Avoid keeping the unit in direct sunshine for a long time. Keep your unit in a cool, dry and well-ventilated area for drying.
  • How should I clean my items using Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    Regular Cleaning- Only use regular tap water Place your items directly into the tank, after filling it with tap water. Make sure the objects are fully submerged in the water but avoid exceeding the "MAX" MARK. Then press the "start" button. Important: During cleaning, the dirt will come off in the form of smoke and also the water will turn murky with time. Once the “smoke” stops appearing, it basically means the cleaning is done. Enhanced Cleaning Add the suitable cleaning solutions into the water The appropriate cleaning solutions may be added to enhance the cleaning process. In general, dish detergent may be used. Normally, the mixing ratio is 1 part solution to 10 parts of the water. After it is done, run the item with plain water for an additional 90 seconds to help remove any remaining cleaning solution.
  • Where could I use the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    Jewelry Stores Jewelry stores could use the ultrasonic cleaner to grow their services. Jewelry like rings, diamond rings, earrings, and necklaces may be cleaned using tap water to help recover their shine. Optical Stores Optical stores could use the ultrasonic cleaner to offer valuable services. Use the ultrasonic cleaner and some tap water to help remove debris on lenses, hidden in rims as well as nose pads. This way the eyewear will get professional care and cleaning. Watch Services Shop Precision parts cleaning: Place small parts in a beaker made of glass or stainless steel filled with lubricant oil, after put the beaker in the cleaning tank and thereafter add water. The ultrasonic waves will get into the beaker and work on the items to get them clean. Homes: Baby and Children items Any debris left in crevices and small holes can be tough to clean through regular means. Mold and bacteria could grow in these areas. Using ultrasonic cleaners will help remove the debris and it may be combined with some disinfectant to achieve thorough cleaning. Watch Bands, Eyewear, Razors, Shavers And Other Household Items: The ultrasonic cleaners may be used to remove dirt between the lenses and the rims on eyewear, on the metal mesh of shaver and between razor blades to help keep the blades clean and sharp.
  • What items can I clean using the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    Eyeglasses These include eyeglasses, sunglasses, etc Jewelry This includes rings, bracelets, necklaces, earring, etc Watch These include watch bands, diver’s watches, etc Cosmetic products This will include make-up brushes Personal items This includes clippers head, electric toothbrush head, electric shaver head, etc
  • What items are not suitable for cleaning with the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    Soft Jewelry These include items that are not hard, meaning they will easily scratch during cleaning. These are things like ivory, pearls, emerald, agate, sea turtle shells, coral, etc Plated, Welded and Glued Items These are items that are plated, welded or glued. Thus ultrasonic cleaning might increase the gaps in the glued items, welded joints and plated coating and could cause separation. Watches Due to the powerful penetration capability of the ultrasonic waves, it is possible for water to get inside the watches if they truly are not waterproof. Therefore, use the watch stand provided as a precaution when you are not sure. This is with the exception of diver’s watches with a depth rating of over 150 ft (50 m). Others This will include things like ceramic, camera filters, wood, coated glass with pre-existing cracks. Ultrasonic cleaning might increase the size of cracks that existed prior to the cleaning on the ceramic, glass and coating on the glass. When the items do not have any preexisting cracks, it is then okay to clean it.
  • Why should I use the watch stand?
    While cleaning watches always use a watch stand to help keep the watch-body above water as you clean the wristband. Note: When cleaning diver’s water with a depth of less than 150ft(50 m) water can get into the watch when the watch body is immersed in the cleaning water while using the ultrasonic cleaner.
  • Why do I need to avoid directly submerging my watch into the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    The working principle when cleaning an object using the ultrasonic waves is similar to brushing the item’s surface from each angle. As you clean the razor, as the ultrasonic wave penetration force is rather strong, any non-waterproof area will not be immersed directly in the cleaning water. Doing so can easily cause it to break. It is thus an issue of operation. Additionally, cleaning the object using the ultrasonic waves will make it cleaner as compared to washing it directly using water. Then again the process will have less harm to the object than using a brush.
  • Can the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000 be used to wash baby’s milk bottles?
    Realize that ultrasound has only an effect of cleaning and not disinfection. While cleansing the nipple for babies, it mainly is for the purpose of cleaning the clustered milk stains as well as stains deposited on the nipple. Once you are done cleaning it, you will need to disinfect it. Disinfecting directly without cleaning the nipple is pointless, and bacteria can still breed. This also applies to medical equipment for dental use. These will also need to first be cleaned on the surface to remove the blood stains using the ultrasonic waves, and thereafter disinfect it.
  • Why I have to use a basket in the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    By putting objects directly into the tank can cause them to get in contact with the transducers found at the bottom of your ultrasonic unit. This can disrupt the generation of ultrasonic waves and when the object being cleaned is heavy, it can actually cause damage to your electronics. Therefore, it is advisable that you place the items in rust-free steel baskets to help decrease scratches on the items as well as rust due to friction. Important: Plastic baskets will absorb around 30 per cent to 40 per cent of the ultrasonic energy produced thus reducing the effectiveness of the cleaning.
  • How long does the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000 generally takes for a session?
    Cleaning with the ultrasonic cleaner will take 3 minutes.
  • When should I change the cleaning solutions?
    The cleaning solutions need to be replenished as soon as there is a noticeable decrease in its cleaning action come about. Alternatively, when the cleaning solution appears dirty or spent then a change is necessary. For each cleaning session, a fresh batch of solutions is normally not needed.
  • Do I need to acquire the highest frequency Ultrasonic Cleaner in the market?
    The cleaning frequency of ultrasonic waves is not that high as needed. Various objects are cleaned using varying frequencies for different situations. The general ultrasonic frequency for normal industrial usage is 24 kHz. While that of household usage is 42 kHz. Thus the higher the cleaning frequency, then the cleaning speed will be slower, the fineness will be higher as well. However, when the frequency is lower, the cleaning speed will be faster and the fineness will be lower. Many of our home appliances need a frequency of about 42 kHz and a particular circuit of about 46 kHz. As for the big machines used in laboratories and shops need a 37 kHz frequency ( that is between 24 to 42 kHz). This is so as to balance its detergency and speed. Thus its fineness and speed are balanced.
  • Any other Dos and Don’ts for using the Ultrasonic Cleaner D3000?
    Ensure you read all instructions prior to using the ultrasonic cleaner. In order to decrease the risk of injury, when the cleaner is used near children, close supervision will be needed. Avoid using the appliance outdoors. Ensure to only use attachments suggested or bought from the manufacturer. When disconnecting, turn all controls to off (O) position, thereafter unplug the appliance from the outlet. Avoid unplugging by pulling on the cord. To do this, grasp the plug and not the cord. Also, unplug from the outlet when the unit is not in use and prior to cleaning or servicing. In order to decrease the risk of electric shock, avoid putting the ultrasonic cleaner in water or any other liquid. Also, avoid placing or storing the appliance where it could get pulled or fall into a sink or tub. Any servicing of the appliance, this includes the replacement of the transducer, should be done only by qualified servicing personnel. Do not use any appliance that has a damaged plug or cord, or immediately after the unit is dropped, damaged or it malfunctions in any way. Be sure to return the ultrasonic cleaner to the authorized service facility near you for repair, examination or mechanical and electrical adjustments. Avoid operating the ultrasonic cleaner without filling water into the tank. By running the appliance dry can only serve to damage the appliance. Avoid plugging in the power cable prior to putting water into the tank. Also, avoid filling tank past the Max line to help prevent overspill. Avoid the use of any solution that contains abrasive substance and any strongly corrosive chemical solutions that are not suggested by the supplier or manufacturer. Before operating the device, be sure to place in a flat and dry surface. If the appliance is put under strong electromagnetic hindrance, it could stop operating, malfunction, or even lose the control functions. When this happens, be sure to unplug the power cable and then re-insert it so as to restart the ultrasonic cleaner.
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